sábado, 23 de março de 2013

madameisabel's purpose

Now that the Independent project is over ill use madameisabel wont lose its purpose. I'll keep it has a lab.
I'm trying to write one of the last essays at Warwick, for the composing module.

Here are the questions and the resources,

“What is minimal about Minimal art […] is the means not the ends”
Discuss this remark in relation to the work of TWO Minimalist composers.

Bernard, Jonathan W. "The Minimalist Aesthetic in the Plastic Arts and in Music" Perspectives of New Music, Volume 31, Number 1 (Winter, 1993): 86-132. Print <http://www.jstor.org/stable/833043>- Requires Athens login through University
Fink, Robert. "Do It ('Til You're Satisfied): Repetitive Musics and Recombinant Desires." Repeating Orselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. 25-61. Print. <scanned>
Greenberg, Clement “Modernist Painting” in Battcock, Gregory (ed.) The New Art: A Critical Anthology Dutton, New York 1966 availalble online at <http://www.sharecom.ca/greenberg/modernism.html>
Johnson, Tom "The Voice Of New Music New York City 1972 – 1982: A Collection Of Articles Originally Published In The Village Voice" [NEW DIGITAL EDITION BASED 0N THE 1989 EDITION BY HET APOLLOHUIS] - <http://www.ubuweb.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_023_Johnson.pdf > (see especially “La Monte Young, Steve Reich, Terry Riley, Philip Glass” September 7, 1972, pp29)
Judd, Donald “Specific Objects” in Donald Judd: Complete Writings 1959–1975 (Halifax: The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, in association with New York University Press, 1975), pp. 181–89 available online at http://road-trip.syntone.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/judd.SPECIFIC.OBJECTS.pdf
McCroskey, Sandy “Dream Analysis” 1/1: The Journal of the Just Intonation Network, , Volume 6, Number 3 May 1994 available online at <http://www.melafoundation.org/mccroske.htm>
Morris, Robert “Notes on Sculpture” Artforum IV no.6 pp42-44 reprinted in Battcock, Gregory (ed.) Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology Dutton, New York 1968 pp222-28 available online at http://xarts.usfca.edu/~rbegenhoefer/art120/lecture/Morris.pdf
Perreault, John “Minimal Abstracts” in Battcock, Gregory (ed.) Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology Dutton, New York 1968 pp.256-57 <in Library - N 6494.M5 - one in Learning grid, one out on loan]
Rainer, Yvonne "A Quasi Survey of Some 'Minimalist' Tendencies in the Quantita-tively Minimal Dance Activity midst the Plethora, or An Analysis of Trio A," in Battcock, Gregory (ed.) Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology Dutton, New York 1968
Reich, Steve “Music as a Gradual Process” in Writings About Music, Universal Edition, London, 1974 available online at http://www.columbia.edu/ccnmtl/draft/ben/feld/mod1/readings/reich.html
Riley, Terry “In C” [score] 1964 http://www.otherminds.org/SCORES/InC.pdf
Schwarz, K.Robert, "Steve Reich: Music as a Gradual Process: Part I" Perspectives of New Music Volume 19, Number 1/2 (Autumn 1980 - Summer 1981): 373-392. Print <http://www.jstor.org/stable/ 832600> - Requires Athens login through University
Schwarz, K.Robert, "Steve Reich: Music as a Gradual Process: Part II" Perspectives of New Music Volume 20, Number 1/2 (Autumn 1981 - Summer 1982): 225-286. Print <http://www.jstor.org/stable/942414> - Requires Athens login through University
Young, La Monte and Marian Zazeela. Selected Writings (1959-1969) Munich: Heiner Friedrich, 1969 http://www.ubu.com/historical/young/young_selected1.pdf http://www.terryriley.com/
Additionally, there are materials from the Week 3 session here - http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/theatre_s/ug/intro/year_two/composing/schedule/week3/

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