domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013


There’s proposals everywhere, some we notice, some not.
Once a man decided to follow the entire proposals that he found while he was walking around the city.  He followed all the signs, plaques, all the written sings that invite. He end up his day flying synchronized with a flock of birds. Flock is a term akin to the herd amongst humans.
You were fascinated about his experience. You try to repeat it.
Thoroughly scoured the streets trying to do the same as he. But you were led to another site. You found yourself in a corridor of buildings. You don’t get in any of them because you didn’t receive an invitation. To get in, you need to explain to the security with whom you intend to speak and why. You just realize that the security is one of your ex boy/girlfriend. (dream starts)
-Can I go up uninvited?
-Invitation is essential.
-Who said that?
-The document.

-Who did it?
-Listen, they made one. It is more powerful than your values. Even if you’re a marginal or a teenager, it only will be less powerful if you walk the streets in the opposite direction.

Once you read in a book:
 There’s a Master teaching Zorro how to fight. None, between the listeners, live where I live and consequently spent their holidays where I spent.
None will recognize from where I take my sources.
So, Zorro is teaching the younger, the one, who’s going to replace him, to fight against the next generation of obedient people.”

The first Master is the person with the ability to change and subverts, to rub it, erase and quench. He’s going to teach Zorro how to over write and Zorro the younger’s.
You decide that this could be the new manifest against the Document. Even if it wasn’t written with that purpose.
You explain to the security:
-           Comrade, this is the beginning to build a new society. Our commune will be formed by liars, criminals, Masters, younger’s and flying men.

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